
Tuesday, November 29, 2011


"Bukan senang nak senang, bukan susah nak susah"

Manusia yang masih ada kesedaran sentiasa dalam proses memperbaiki diri dari segi jasmani dan rohani. Seronoknya kalau boleh jadi orang yang bersih hatinya dan mulia. Nampaknya masih jauh lagi untuk sampai ke tahap itu. Tak apa, InsyaAllah boleh!! Jangan putus asa! Kena tingkatkan usaha lagi nih! =)

Monday, November 28, 2011


Sungguh nampak sangat menipunya bila cakap keluar lepas tu telefon tak bawa. kamonlah, kalau orang tua atau budak masih boleh percaya lagi. pffffft~

p/s: kawan apa yang boleh buat perangai cenggini?shemale pulaks tu . euwww.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Belajar untuk menghargai harta diri.

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

Faith, trust.
Friendship, Love, Hope.

Kebanyakan orang sekarang ni suka ambil kesempatan terhadap orang lain. Silap, bukan suka mengambil kesempatan tetapi suka timbulkan perasaan hasad dengki dalam diri sendiri. Kenapa nak dengki? Tahukah anda kalau ada sekelumit pun perasaan dengki atau dalam bahasa gelemernya "jelous" tu, berdosa? tsk...tsk...tsk. Malulah kalau ada perangai macam ni dalam diri sendiri. hmmm.

Ah sebenarnya nak cakap pasal kepercayaan antara kawan-kawan. Tahukan bila sampai suatu masa kita berkawan dengan seseorang tu, kita akan percayakan dia and thus at the same time we put our faith on her and so we acknowledge her as our friend. But then, when the faith or so called trust telah dihancurkan, the situation that you're in is very very very awkward. Jangan ambil kesempatan terhadap kebaikan or kenaifan seseorang tu dengan menghancurkan kepercayaan yang dia ada pada diri anda. Hilanglah kepercayaan, maka hilanglah persahabatan dan jalinan ukhuwwah.

Bukannya mudah nak percayakan orang yang telah khianati diri kita, dan juga bukan mudah untuk kita melupakannya. Kalau dalam situasi macam ni, apa yang perlu kita buat? This is what i learned from my own experience, ignore the situation and just move on with your life. But sometime, your heart aches because you still have to trust that same person who hurt you before. You might end up getting high blood pressure in the end? oh my...

Alah, who cares? What goes around comes all the way back around. Allah kan Maha Adil. So, take good care of yourself. tata! =)

Monday, August 8, 2011


Assalamualaikum dear people.
Meet Manja, it's a she. Manja is a very sensitive cat and she has asthma too =(. But no worries, she is a very strong cat,gentle and very the peramah one.harharhar. =)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Kedah Darul Aman

Celebrate your Ramadhan with modesty. =D !

it's all about paddy fields...!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Assalamualaikum dear readers and hello! =)

What a fine day today is, right? well yeah i think so. The sun still shines brightly and smiling above us, the earth are still green with grass and the smell of soils and dirts lingers in the air. by the way, my blog are lacking a lot of things. i'm not that creative but i'll try and do something about it. maybe by adding some pictures will help contribute the "keceriaan" -ness kat my blog kan? okay nevermind.will see what can i do to make it come to life! i love colours by the way, just so you know.hehe toodles! BRIGHT and CHEERFUL COLOURS enlightens my day! ouhhh~

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Assalamualaikum and hello! =)

i'm done with my studies at the moment. Me want to continue studying, me not ready yet to work because me is a bit afraid, wait no, me is VERY afraid to start working at such young age. hehehe. yu think its funneh? no me is being serious at the moment. and me is craving like crazily craving for an IPHONE at the moment. tahts why me no like technologies or new gadgets because me keep wanting the newest product with the latest designs or whatever.

Yeahh like seriously, i mean it! i don't like to put my nosy nose into stuff like gadgets or whatsoever it is you know? it makes me crazy to owned that thing! or things!yeahhhh i want it so i gotta own order to have it, i gotta go work and have money, NO i don't want to use my parents money unless they 'belanja' me than its oklah. But i got to have my own frigggin money to buy stuff like that you know. But currently the stuff seems like it is too expensive for me because i've got no friggin MONEYH! huahahaha. desperation mode unlocked! ok buhbye. =)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

liar liar pants on fire.

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,


Dear politicians,

Please stop with all the lies and political schemes. It makes people like me HATE people like you ataupun dalam bahasa melayunya meluat. Tolongla berhenti menipu dan memperbodohkan rakyat-rakyat anda ya? Everytime there's a new sensational stories you're trying to spread, must it all be about some stupid sexual harassment or sex videos? Nauzubillah~ Kembalilah ke pangkal jalan iaitu agamamu, agama Islam.

Takutkanlah Allah yang Maha Kuasa dan Maha Mengetahui. Tak takut ke kalau Dia Yang Maha Esa membuka aibmu di akhirat kelak? Tak takut ke pada azab yang dia dah janjikan kepada kamu? Tak Malu ke dengan diri sendiri dan fitnah dan penipuan yang kamu buat?

p/s: typical cases, lepas ni mesti orang label aku pengkhianat bangsa dan negara. podahci!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the sky is the limit. =)

Pernah tak berangan nak baring baring atas rumput pastu tengok awan macam dalam muvi? haha Rasa macam nak cuba je baring atas rumput sambil guling guling pastu berangan tengok awan yang cantik gebu tu. Tapi seriously tak silau ke mata tengok awan macam tu? tak kisahla, janji dapat tengok jugak kan. Okay ni versi tengok awan guling guling kat lantai dalam bilik. okla tu dari guling atas rumput. *nada jeles. haha xD

versi menegak

Versi dilintangkan

Versi matahari memancar.

p/s: state the obvious je lah.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


To pack your things and move out is really easy. But to unpack things and sort their places out is way way harder than i could ever have imagined. It took me about almost 3 days to clear up this mess. erghh.. It is very very STRESSful indeed.


still a MESS!

Perlis is very windy!

Baru-baru ni, sempena meraikan cuti semester saya yang terakhir, saya ke Perlis untuk enjoy enjoy and have fun sambil melawat kawan kawan baik iaitu Jah and Ida.Perjalanan dari Pulau Pinang ke perlis mengambil masa dalam lebih kurang 3 jam. Ambil tiket bas Plusliner Rm15.60, bertolak dari stesen bas Sungai Nibong dalam pukul 6.30 petang sampai kat stesen bas Kangar lebih kurang pukul 9.30 malam. Masuk Perlis ikut jalan Kampung, so it was quite a bumpy ride. Ingatkan nak enjoy pemandangan sawah padi tapi lewat bebenonye.

Perlis is indeed very windy, very very veryyyyy windy. dari siang sampai ke malam hari berangin je memanjang. Teramatlah seronok dapat enjoy angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa. cuma waktu tengahari dia agak panas sedikit berbanding dengan waktu waktu lain dan petang pulak memang akan hujan. maka saya agak sedikit terkilan sebab tak bawa selipar jepun pegi bercuti bersama saya. ok takpe. Makanan kat Perlis memang sedap! SERIUS! berbaloi dengan harga yang dorang letak. Apa lagi? pergi la Perlis kalau nak bercuti ye. Cuma saya tak sempat nak ke Padang Besar sebab jauh bebeno (bajet tak cukup sebenarnye) orait. =)

statik je kan? nah amek video dia. just ignore the crying baby.

The steamboat. Bak kata Jah, ni steamboat cara kampung,next time kalau berkesempatan dia bawak pegi makan steamboat moden. bezanya, yang cara kampung diorang pakai dapur arang. memang secara seriusnya bawah tu adalah arang dan kalau steamboat moden diorang pakai dapur gas kot rasanya. agak teruja or jakun jugakla. jah cakap takpe kita praktis dulu makan cara kampung sebelum masuk restoran moden.hoyehhh~~! U rock la jah!

steamboat arang kayu ke batu tak ingat. =)
(kat maktab Perlis)

Pehtu esok tu pulak pegi makan ikan bakaq. memang sedaaap dan harga pun murahhhh! sorang dalam RM 15. kitorang pergi semua sekali 5 orang. terima kasih kepada Jah dan kawan kawan rumahnya Sam, Ila dan Aishah. Tempat tu betul betul tepi laut. agak agak lepas makan nak mandi laut tu, haaa terjun je trus dari tebing tu. Menikmati makanan sambil dengar bunyi laut memang benda paling seronok dan mengujakan. rasa ala ala tenang pun ada jugak.kuantiti lauk yang diorang hidang sebenarnya agak banyak, berbaloi beno rasanya makan kat sini.well~~

ikan siakap half eaten oready.

lauk pauk yang lain; kerang,sotong tepung,kailan ikan masin.
tomyam dia is tomyam daging.sedap!!
(Kuala Perlis)

p/s: great companion, great food and great weather! what more can you ask for? =)

Monday, January 10, 2011

its engLish, not engRish


title tells the story. My english language skills are going from bad to worst. its unbelievebly HORRIBLE!!! *read: it SUCKS! When i say its horrible, it really is because my govt english exam result tells everything outloud. Owh dear Allah, what should i do now?

OPTIONs:1. Repeat the government exam.
2. Study for IELTS.
3. None of the above.

Apa yang patut saya lakuakan pada waktu sebegini? muahahaha ayat skema sopan tertib menarik semasa zaman persekolahan suatu masa dahulu. Rindunyaaaaaaa~

Friday, January 7, 2011

i have dreams and its not angan-angan.


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani.

I have passion in mostly everything that the world has got to offer. The things that matters are time and money, well i wouldnt say that money matters the most but its the precious time i'm talking about. I'm a Muslim as you may know and i have foremost passion in music. Its not like i'm extremely obsessed about music or i'm making it as a part of the most important things in my life that i can't live without but it is a part of myself who enjoys being able to love and learn music itself. It does sounds lame isn't it? Whatever it is, you may find yourself losing control over hearing an upbeat sound of music in the public or from your own mp3 player. That's who i am in real life apart from being driven away by problems at university, home and such... *excluding the lose control part, making a small dance move is cool~

Oh and uhh not to forget the dancing part. ouuuuhhh how i love it! but i am not pro at it and i wish to learn more. =D

p/s: pelik ke? haha. xD

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

upu dah bukak.

Dear people,

wish me luck and pray for my success. love you in advance. muahaha~! (lame aint it?)

p/s: seriously stand by me and wish me all the best.thank you love. =)

because of you.


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani.

Everything was going along fine and well,
Until you happened,
I swear i was going along fine and well,
But you happened.

It hurts,
Like an emptiness with no ends,
It hurts,
Like a hole in your heart and its holllow,

I secure my feelings,
To not let it go astray,
To promise not to hurt myself no more,
To promise not to fall in love,
But you happened.

p/s: guys are damn irritating. i dont need your sweet talk losers! =)

Monday, January 3, 2011

its 2011!!

Assalamualaikum dear readers. =)

Greetings fellas,

Sorry for not updating my blog for such a long time.I know ya'll are craving for more stories or whatever it is that i have in here. muahaha! giler perasan (i know).

Well what can i say, its 2011 and there's just too much shit to think about, to settle, to gain explanation and so on. I'm having a good start here. Seriously its a pretty good start because i found out that the guy that i kinda actually like belongs to someone already. A pretty great person with a great personality. Yelah mana taknya studying medicine in Aussie! Hebat kan? What a joker, asal study luar negara je hebat, so typical minded punya mind setting i'm having right now.(dude, why in the world you make it look like you're single? its embarassing!).

I hereby confess to you, i have the tendency to learn about the truth before you can even mention it.(like seriously i mean it). Hebat giler kan? haha! But uhh when you finally learnt about the truth, it hurts like a bullet just went through your heart, like a headache that makes you feel your brain is about to burst any seconds and like a pathetic loser who have nobody to rely on.And so please do not be a such pathetic loser because it does make you feel GLOOMY!

Alright than, Happy New Year! Make it an AWESOME 2011 baby! =)