
Friday, December 28, 2012

Be Grateful.

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And The Most Merciful


At times, the path that you're taking. While you stroll down the lane, you look back and say to yourself "hey! i've made it this far". I seriously thought that i could not make it this far and look at where i'm standing right now! 

Once in a blue moon, when you have this really huge obstacle that blocks your way and you think you can't handle it when you can actually. You'll feel like quitting. This is the best time to look back at what you have gone through to get at where you are and the person that you are today!

Remember the real intention on why are you doing this because if you feel like quitting, you would have done that a long time ago. Stay strong and be tough!

*p/s: Maybe if we worry less, we would be happier, thus listen more, grumble-less and sigh-less.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


In The Name Of Allah The most Gracious And The Most Merciful


Did i spell that right? Purification? People tend to be ignorant when they think they are right. It's the truth. To put it right, people tend to be ignorant when they are wrong. They won't learn and never will. Be it ourselves, our rulers, teachers, parents, religious person. 

*p/s: Hang in there beautiful little soul. You'll get there soon with HIS guidance. =)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Truth?

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And the Most Merciful

Assalamualaikum. =)

I'm not quite sure of everybody, but i know there are some of you out there who dream to have or to be doing your dream job. Maybe, I'm just saying it's a maybe, that most of us wants to be a traveller. Can you imagine? Travelling from one place to another. How cool is that? Learning other people's culture, like how they communicate with people? How they preserve their country's dignity? How do they advance forward using merely their own language? Wow i'm feeling the heat now. Okay cool down cool down. I'm just saying InshaAllah one day, we'll get to be the person we really want to be. Keep on moving forward and we'll get there with HIS guidance. All the best! 

With Love.

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And The Most Merciful


Here are some postcards from Palestin with love. May Allah bless you Palestinians.

*It is recaptured and edited of course. =)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Little Lost Soul.

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And The Most Merciful.

Assalamualaikum. =)

To judge a person during the first encounter is a "NO-NO". To judge a person physically is a "BIG NO". To judge a person from its past too is a "HUGE NO". Overall, It's a "NO" when it comes to judging a person, let it be mentally or physically. Get it? Hmmm...

But, we can use that "judging thingy" to judge ourselves. kan? It's a good way to improve our inner sight on how we think, how we response towards a situation and how to fix the crooked part in us. 

This is some sort of a reminder for me, you know the kind of things on the list that you've written on an imaginary notebook? It's like you're writing a shopping list, or maybe a to-do-list. But mine is the "Rules to live by list". Never ever ever judge a person at all especially during the first encounter. I think I should write this down on a real life notebook instead of the imaginary ones.

*May Allah give you guidance and protect you little lost soul. 

Monday, March 26, 2012


Assalamualaikum =D.

How are you doing today? Hope everything goes well with you and your life. inshaAllah. Well since my self esteem are/is at its lowest peak right now. I gotta go and figure something out. Take care! =)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Elizabeth Bennet.

Assalamualaikum =).

I am indeed a classical freak.Especially when it comes to classical stories where they adapt it from books! Ouh and don't forget classical songs too! Jane Austen is one of my MOST FAVOURITE authors! Like seriously her Pride and Prejudice novel was and still a huge HIT amongst classical die hard fans like me. It is ridiculously romantic i must say. For everybody that i have known been reading this novel have fallen in love with the handsome Mr. Darcy! and of course the Bennet sisters. ouuhlala~

The Bennet Family (2005)

The Bennet sisters (2005).
I absolutely love this version of P&P like forever.

Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth Bennet (2005).

The Bennet sisters (1995)
A bit chubby don't you think? But despite that, this one is still awesome!

Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth from 1995.

p/s: Read and watch it like countless time already!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Simple rules we live by.

Assalamualaikum =).

Dearest friends,
I'd love to share with you this book that i have just finished reading it. Highly recommended!

p/s: as suggested by Ust Zahazan Mohamed.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Assalamualaikum. =)

In order to be a great person, Hijrah is the way. More like a transformation for yourself, for your own good. For example, a person who wears a hijab, you know the normal hijab it is normally short and did not cover your chest area very well. You can transform into a better person by wearing a bigger size hijab so that it will cover the chest area, your back area thus it will also cover your shoulder as the length of the hijab can reach until your elbow. You will indeed feel safe and protected as clothing too can make you feel secure and insecure. Hijrah can be done in many ways, spiritually, mentally physically. InsyaAllah if it is done step by step and one at a time, you'll reach there in no time. All the best!

Picture taken from HERE.

p/s: Feels like doing it myself. It's going to take some time but InsyaAllah i'll reach there soon.Amin.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Esok lebih baik.


Tadi for the first time in my life, saya berjaya siang sotong tanpa memecahkan dakwat hitam sotong tu! Alhamdulillah, one more step untuk pandai masak ni. hehe kejayaan yang boleh dikatakan membanggakan la jugak. =P

Kita selalu dengar phrase seperti "hari esok lebih baik dari hari ini" dan "towards a better tomorrow". Setiap orang mesti ada goal mereka tersendiri yang mahu dicapai sehari-hari, tak kisah la walau benda tu sebesar zarah pun tapi kalau dia dapat mencapai goalnya insyaAllah hari yang akan mendatang akan menjadi lebih baik untuk dirinya kan?

Bangun je Subuh, celik-celik mata, apa kata kita mulakan ucapan pertama yang keluar dari mulut kita adalah Alhamdulillah. Bersyukur sangat-sangat sebab Allah masih panjangkan umur kita supaya kita masih sempat lagi untuk bertaubat dan juga mengerjakan suruhanNya.
Lepas tu teruskanlah hari-hari anda semua dengan ucapan pertama sebelum membuat sesuatu pekerjaan tu seperti Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Ha lepas tu selesai je buat sesuatu kerja tu ucap pula Alhamdulillah, syukur sebab dapat selesaikan tugasan ni.

Insyaallah hari-hari kalau dapat buat macam ni, memang akan melekat tabiat ni kat kita, bila nak mula kerja je baca Bismillah, kalau dah selesai je keja cakap Alhamdulillah. Sudahnya nanti,it'll be your second nature to do this maksudnya lama-lama kita dah biasakan diri kita buat macam ni, InsyaAllah perkataan tu dengan sendirinya keluar bila kita nak mula sesuatu dan bila kita dah habis buat sesuatu. So apa lagi? mulakanlah sekarang. =)

p/s: Apa goal anda untuk hari esok? 8-)